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(Clockwise from left) Find out how Davin Tan (with spectacles, kneeling), Charlene Chew (with purple flowers) and Nurul Irdayu inspire and nurture in their respective fields. IMAGES (CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT): INSTAGRAM/@bigdave_gpmax, CHARLENE CHEW AND NURUL IRDAYU

Happy Teacher's Day: Paying Tribute To Extraordinary Educators

Not all heroes wear capes. Every Teacher's Day, we honour the educators who have shaped and inspired their students’ lives. In my own experience, I’ve met teachers who changed the trajectory of my childhood and set me on the path to success.

Interestingly, one of the most influential mentors I ever had wasn’t even a subject teacher – it was my secondary school concert band conductor, Mr Richard Png. He sparked my love for music and taught me the value of discipline, striving for excellence, and leadership.

There are countless educators whose dedication and impact go unnoticed, from special needs teachers who tailor their methods to sports coaches who inspire their student-athletes to greatness.

To commemorate Teacher’s Day (30 Aug), we speak to three champions of education to find out more about their unique contributions and the profound difference they make in their students’ lives every day.

Charlene Chew (right). | IMAGE: CHARLENE CHEW

Charlene Chew, 32, Brands Manager (Visual Arts) and Education Consultant

Tell us about your role.

I’m a Brands Manager for Visual Arts at Mastereign, an enterprise that offers enrichment programmes to MOE schools. I refine our Visual Arts curriculum and introduce new programmes aligned with MOE’s Art syllabus to add value to students’ education.

As an Education Consultant, I create innovative programme outlines for Media Arts, beyond Visual Arts, to bring fresh ideas into the curriculum.

After 12 years as an art educator, I still find joy in sharing my creativity with students who have been the beacon in my career. They inspire me to create and innovate, and I’m always grateful to share my passion with them!

Why did you choose a career in arts education and curriculum planning?

It all began when I drew a 3D pencil case in Secondary 2, and was the top scorer for Art that year. I later took Art as an O-level subject in Secondary 3 and met the most inspiring teacher, Mrs Agnes Ong, who taught me, “There is no mistake in art; you only need to change your perspective and look forward.”

That quote has stuck with me and drives me to keep moving forward while staying relevant in the art scene. I write curriculums to create innovative art pieces that bring joy and hope to people.

How has your work impacted the students or vice versa?

My students inspire me to be more proactive in creating programmes for them. I think about how much they would love to be in my classes and learn more about art.

Happy Teacher's Day! What’s your message for fellow educators?

Wishing all teachers and educators a very Happy Teacher’s Day! Keep inspiring your students and guiding them to the best of your abilities. I hope that someday they will teach their children and their children’s children the same values, and inspire them, just like Mrs Agnes Ong inspired me. You all make the world a better place!

Davin Tan aka BIG DAVE (with spectacles, kneeling). | IMAGE: INSTAGRAM/@BIGDAVE_GPMAX

Davin Tan, 29, pro wrestling coach

Why did you choose to become a wrestling coach?

I’d like to think that coaching found me! I didn't start as a coach, nor did I ever think I'd become one. As an introvert, coaching was the last thing on my mind. I started as a performer, and later transitioned into coaching.

Like most local pro wrestlers, I fell in love with wrestling as a kid. I began training in 2013 while in polytechnic. The local wrestling scene was small back then. I spent the first half of the past decade performing across South East Asia before considering coaching in January 2018, after chatting with my former tag-team partner, Greg Ho, who had started a new company, GrappleMAX.

I wasn't sure if I’d excel as a coach, but I was determined to share my love for wrestling. The amazing culture and community at GrappleMAX played a massive part in my growth as a person and as a coach.

How has your work impacted the students under you?

I often encounter students who struggle with certain physical and psychological aspects of training. My role is to help them overcome these challenges. But the most crucial quality in a coach is believing in your students. Confidence is key to overcoming mental barriers, which are often harder than physical ones.

I've had the privilege to coach many students at GrappleMAX, and a good number have become popular names in the local scene.

What’s your most memorable teacher-student interaction?

Hands down, the match at Grapplemax Seventh Anniversary in November 2023 – BIG DAVE (that's me) versus Hotshot (Wilson) for the Grapplemax Openweight Championship. I "lost" the championship to the challenger, Wilson, one of my first students. Watching him grow from a trainee into a full-fledged performer and a champion was a special feeling, and being the one to hand the proverbial torch over to him was the coolest interaction I could ever ask for.

Happy Teacher's Day! What’s your message for fellow educators?

Celebrate every win, even the smallest! While we keep our eyes locked on the "end goal", sometimes we forget about the progress that we’ve made to get closer. Celebrate every little step taken – it makes the journey more enjoyable for both coach and student!


Nurul Irdayu, 32, special education (SPED) teacher

Why did you choose to become SPED teacher?

When I was a relief teacher, I noticed an increase in students with learning difficulties. That sparked my interest in catering to these needs. After earning my bachelor’s degree, I applied to teach in a special needs school, and it’s been a rewarding journey since! There’s so much to learn and discover in this field!

How has your work impacted the students or vice versa?

I think learning from each other empowers us to work towards progress and find alternatives for common goals. This drives me to seek varied ways to engage my students, and I’ve found they learn faster and better in non-traditional settings. It’s crucial to help them develop life skills for an ideal quality of life.

What’s your most memorable teacher-student interaction?

Most of my students are non-verbal. The most memorable moments are seeing their progress – from not being able to walk to walking, or from being unable to communicate to making requests or responding. It’s heartwarming to be seen as a trusted adult by students who have challenging behaviours, like aggression or frequent meltdowns, and to be their source of comfort.

Happy Teacher's Day! What’s your message for fellow educators?

Always remember that teaching is a two-way relationship. When you go to work eager to learn more about your students, you’ll find your job more meaningful, and the rapport with them will make the work easier.

To all my SPED educators, your work is truly admirable. Keep up the good work, whether seen or behind the scenes, because your students appreciate it – even if they can’t say it.

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