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The first-ever batch of National Servicemen (NS) in Singapore. IMAGES: YouTube/@RootsSG (left) and FACEBOOK/@indianheritagecentre

Back In The Day: Today In 1967, The First Batch Of NSFs Were Enlisted

On this day 57 years ago in 1967, the first batch of 900 Full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) were enlisted.

How did National Service (NS) come about? Back in the day, when Singapore was still a young nation, tension was brewing around the region. In the south, there was “Konfrantasi” (meaning confrontation in Indonesian), as Indonesia was opposed to the formation of Malaysia. Also happening up north was the Vietnam war, which later spread to Cambodia and Laos.

The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) needed more boots on the ground to defend our country, so the government announced in February 1967 that NS would be introduced in August that year.

NS then vs now

The former Taman Jurong Camp (now a park called Taman Jurong Greens) was Singapore’s first NS Camp. The bunks were converted one-room HDB flats in a seven-storey block, and the soldiers had to carry their own bed, cupboard, and equipment up the stairs to their bunk. There were no mattresses, just thin rubber sheets to sleep on.

What was training like back then?

Training kicked off at 6am sharp with the Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT), followed by breakfast and the morning parade. The rest of the day was filled with drills, exercises, and more drills - until 9pm! By the time NSFs crawled into bed, it was usually around 10pm or 11pm.

One big challenge: Language barriers. Most of the new recruits at the time didn’t speak English, so English lessons were conducted. But during training, drill commands were given in Malay.

More than just soldiering on

NS wasn’t just about training; it had a deeper impact. It taught young men to take responsibility - not just for themselves, but for their families, their communities, and their country. NS also helped break down social barriers, bringing together people from different ethnicities and backgrounds under one roof.

One thing remains from 1967: the spirit of NS, and the sense of duty to protect what matters most - Singapore.

Feeling antsy about enlisting for NS, or know someone who is? Don't worry lah, we gotchu. Here are some useful reads to get prepped mentally (and physically) before you or your loved one becomes a chao recruit.


1. Know all the pro tips beforehand

For those who enjoy a good book, why not glean useful insights from an essential guide to surviving Basic Military Training (BMT)? Written by Matthew Chew and Nicholas U Jin, and published by Epigram Books, this is a bible for recruits. Dive into sections like "Before BMT: What You Need To Know", "The Essentials: Things To Take", and "From Ah Boys To MC King: Whom You’ll Meet".

👉 Check this out on Recruit! Read This: "Fall In! The Unofficial Guide To Surviving BMT"


2. Become a lobang king

Your enlistment letter will include a list of mandatory items to bring, such as your NRIC, enlistment letter, a bit of cash, an inexpensive watch, and swimming goggles, among other things. TBH, you don’t need to pack anything else since the army will provide you with everything from clothes to shavers. However, if you want to make your BMT experience smoother (and be a lobang king), there's an unofficial list of personal items you’ll definitely want to pack.

👉 Check this out on 10 Essentials To Take For A Smoother BMT Experience


3. Unleash your inner Ninja Warrior

You don't have to be as fit as the dudes on Netflix's "Physical 100" to complete the Standard Obstacle Course (SOC). Of course, you need to be relatively fit, but there are tips and tricks to help you out at each of the 12 SOC stations.

👉 Check this out on NS101: Every Station Of The SOC Explained - With Tips


4. Just keep swimming...

Cannot swim? Afraid of getting into the water? No fear, because your commanders will give their all to teach you how. And don't worry, even if you die-die cannot swim by the end of BMT, you will still get to POP, and ORD at the end of NS lah.

👉 Check this out on NS101: What You Need To Know About Swimming During BMT


5. What's next after NS?

After you ORD, resources provided by MINDEF and the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) will help you transition back to civilian life, and enter the next phase of adulting. From funding for self-advancement courses to accreditation for skills acquired during BMT, you'll be well-prepared for work and school.

👉 Check this out on Here's How NS Prepares You For Life After 'OWADIO!'


6. Field camp will be life-changing for most

During BMT, the field camp will definitely be one of the highlights of your NS journey. Chances are, even the toughest guy will shed a tear or two during field camp, and most will finish it with at least a few invaluable takeaways. Take it from our writer, who underwent his field camp in 2012, but still recalls several life-changing lessons from it.

👉 Check this out on Life Lessons Every Recruit Will Learn From Field Camp

And on a lighter note...


7. Here's a card game to get you up to speed on BMT

Launched via Kickstarter in 2021, "Chao Recruit!" is a multiplayer card game that sees players trying to complete BMT by gaining the most XP (experience), and becoming the most, well, chao recruit. But the bigger goal is to celebrate NS, to bridge the gap between those who’ve experienced NS and those who haven’t, and to demystify NS culture in a fun way. Version 2.0 (featuring upgraded graphics and packaging) was launched on 1 Jul 2024.

👉 Check this out on Upgraded ‘Chao Recruit!’ Card Game Goes For (IPPT) Gold

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