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There’s no standard formula for how much to spend on specific items, but the main thing is to keep an eye on your grocery bill average. IMAGE: PEXELS

How To Create A Budget For Grocery Shopping

Zzz, budgeting. How do you go about setting one for groceries when there are so many things to take into consideration, like your family’s needs and constantly fluctuating prices?

Honestly, figuring it out isn’t hard, but refining the process so it’s as efficient as a ninja-like food chopper can take a little practice. Hai-yah!

Here are four important things to keep in mind before you start.

Understand the purpose of your budget

The goal here isn’t to set such a tight budget that shopping for groceries becomes stressful and restricting. Rather, it should help you make informed decisions about your spending and how to plan meals better.

Also, remember that budgeting shouldn’t mean sacrificing quality or variety for your family – after all, while better-quality, nutrient-dense foods cost more, they also provide better nourishment and keep your family satisfied for longer.

There’s no standard formula for how much to spend on meat versus fruits versus veg versus snacks (every family is different and has different needs), but the main thing is to keep an eye on your grocery bill average, and be strategic and creative with your meal planning, shopping and food preparation.

How to create a budget

So, where to begin? Start by measuring how much you’re spending on groceries every month – you can do this by adding up all your monthly receipts on an Excel spreadsheet, viewing your credit card transaction history (if you pay by card) or tracking your spending with a budget app such as Singapore’s very own Dobin.

This helps you identify what a realistic amount would be for groceries every month, as well as where you might be overspending so you can make the necessary adjustments. Once you’ve settled on an amount, knowing what it is will help you stick to it when you go shopping.

Is there a “right” amount for a budget?

In short: No. Because it depends on many factors, like where you shop, what your eating habits are, how many people you’re feeding and what dietary needs they have (special diets tend to cost more). It’s also dependent on how much you can afford. So don’t compare your grocery budget with anyone else’s – what works for someone else is very likely different from what will work for you and your family.

Adjust your budget to match your life

Remember, your budget isn’t set in stone. Life happens, and there may be times when you need to adjust things, like if your kids are growing up and going through more food, or if there’s been a layoff in the family and you need to cut down on spending.

It’s also totally okay to have weeks where your budget just isn’t working (if you find you’re consistently going over-budget though, you should review what you’re spending on or whether you need to raise the amount). The important thing is to keep trying and find strategies that are effective (as well as delicious and nutritious!) for you and your family.

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